Source code for mosec.errors

# Copyright 2022 MOSEC Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Exceptions used in the Worker.

Suppose the input dataflow of our model server is as follows:

**bytes** ``->`` *deserialize* ``->`` **data** ``->`` *parse* ``->`` **valid data**

If the raw bytes cannot be successfully deserialized, the `DecodingError`
is raised; if the decoded data cannot pass the validation check (usually
implemented by users), the `ValidationError` should be raised.

from mosec.protocol import HTTPStautsCode

[docs] class MosecError(Exception): """Mosec basic exception.""" code: HTTPStautsCode = HTTPStautsCode.INTERNAL_ERROR msg: str = "mosec error"
[docs] class ClientError(MosecError): """Client side error. This error indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error. It will return the details to the client side with `HTTP 400 <>`__. """ code = HTTPStautsCode.BAD_REQUEST msg = "bad request"
[docs] class ServerError(MosecError): """Server side error. This error indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. It will return the details to the client side with `HTTP 500 <>`__. Attention: be careful about the returned message since it may contain some sensitive information. If you don't want to return the details, just raise an exception that is not inherited from `mosec.errors.MosecError`. """ code = HTTPStautsCode.INTERNAL_ERROR msg = "internal error"
[docs] class EncodingError(ServerError): """Serialization error. The `EncodingError` should be raised in user-implemented codes when the serialization for the response bytes fails. This error will set to status code to `HTTP 500 <>`__ and show the details in the response. """ msg = "encoding error"
[docs] class DecodingError(ClientError): """De-serialization error. The `DecodingError` should be raised in user-implemented codes when the de-serialization for the request bytes fails. This error will set the status code to `HTTP 400 <>`__ in the response. """ msg = "decoding error"
[docs] class ValidationError(MosecError): """Request data validation error. The `ValidationError` should be raised in user-implemented codes, where the validation for the input data fails. Usually, it should be put after the data de-serialization, which converts the raw bytes into structured data. This error will set the status code to `HTTP 422 <>`__ in the response. """ code = HTTPStautsCode.VALIDATION_ERROR msg = "request validation error"
[docs] class MosecTimeoutError(BaseException): """Exception raised when a MOSEC worker operation times out. If a bug in the forward code causes the worker to hang indefinitely, a timeout can be used to ensure that the worker eventually returns control to the main thread program. When a timeout occurs, the `MosecTimeout` exception is raised. This exception can be caught and handled appropriately to perform any necessary cleanup tasks or return a response indicating that the operation timed out. Note that `MosecTimeout` is a subclass of `BaseException`, not `Exception`. This is because timeouts should not be caught and handled in the same way as other exceptions. Instead, they should be handled in a separate `except` block which isn't designed to break the working loop. """ code = HTTPStautsCode.TIMEOUT_ERROR msg = "mosec timeout error"