Source code for mosec.mixin.redis_worker

# Copyright 2023 MOSEC Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""MOSEC redis worker mixin.

Provide another data transfer way between workers.

The data will be stored in redis shared memory, while the object ID will be
sent via the original way.

    use case: large image tensors, cluster-shared data
    benefits: more stable P99 latency


# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

from os import environ
from typing import Any

from mosec.worker import Worker


[docs] class RedisShmIPCMixin(Worker): """Redis shared memory worker mixin interface.""" _redis_client = None _redis_key = _DEFAULT_KEY _next_id = None
[docs] @classmethod def set_redis_url(cls, url: str): """Set the redis service url.""" environ[_REDIS_URL_ENV] = url
def _get_client(self) -> Any: """Get the redis client. This will create a new one if not exist.""" import redis if self._redis_client is None: url = environ.get(_REDIS_URL_ENV) if not url: raise RuntimeError( "please set the redis url with " "`RedisShmIPCMixin.set_redis_url()`" ) self._redis_client = redis.from_url(url) return self._redis_client def _prepare_next_id(self) -> None: """Make sure the next id exists. This will create a new one if not exist.""" if self._next_id is None: client = self._get_client() key = self._redis_key self._next_id = bytes(str(client.incr(key)), encoding="utf-8")
[docs] def serialize_ipc(self, data: Any) -> bytes: """Save the data to the redis server and return the id.""" self._prepare_next_id() client = self._get_client() with client.pipeline() as pipe: current_id = self._next_id pipe.set(current_id, super().serialize_ipc(data)) # type: ignore pipe.incr(self._redis_key) _id = pipe.execute()[-1] self._next_id = bytes(str(_id), encoding="utf-8") return current_id # type: ignore
[docs] def deserialize_ipc(self, data: bytes) -> Any: """Get the data from the redis server and delete it.""" client = self._get_client() object_id = bytes(data) with client.pipeline() as pipe: pipe.get(object_id) pipe.delete(object_id) obj = pipe.execute()[0] return super().deserialize_ipc(obj)