Source code for mosec.worker

# Copyright 2022 MOSEC Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""MOSEC worker interface.

This module provides the interface to define a worker with such behaviors:

    1. initialize
    2. serialize/deserialize data to/from another worker
    3. serialize/deserialize data to/from the client side
    4. data processing

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import json
import pickle
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Sequence, Tuple

from mosec.errors import DecodingError, EncodingError
from mosec.utils import ParseTarget

MOSEC_REF_TEMPLATE = "#/components/schemas/{name}"

    from queue import SimpleQueue
    from threading import Semaphore

[docs] class Worker(abc.ABC): """MOSEC worker interface. It provides default IPC (de)serialization methods, stores the worker meta data including its stage and maximum batch size, and leaves the ``forward`` method to be implemented by the users. By default, we use `JSON <>`__ encoding. But users are free to customize via simply overriding the ``deserialize`` method in the **first** stage (we term it as *ingress* stage) and/or the ``serialize`` method in the **last** stage (we term it as *egress* stage). For the encoding customization, there are many choices including `MessagePack <>`__, `Protocol Buffer <>`__ and many other out-of-the-box protocols. Users can even define their own protocol and use it to manipulate the raw bytes! A naive customization can be found in this :doc:`PyTorch example </examples/pytorch>`. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use example: Any = None multi_examples: Sequence[Any] = [] resp_mime_type = "application/json" _worker_id: int = 0 _stage: str = "" _max_batch_size: int = 1
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize the worker. This method doesn't require the child class to override. """ super().__init__()
[docs] def serialize_ipc(self, data: Any) -> bytes: """Define IPC serialization method. Args: data: returned data from :py:meth:`forward` """ return pickle.dumps(data, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def deserialize_ipc(self, data: bytes) -> Any: """Define IPC deserialization method. Args: data: input data for :py:meth:`forward` """ return pickle.loads(data)
@property def stage(self) -> str: """Return the stage name.""" return self._stage @stage.setter def stage(self, stage): self._stage = stage @property def max_batch_size(self) -> int: """Return the maximum batch size.""" return self._max_batch_size @max_batch_size.setter def max_batch_size(self, max_batch_size): self._max_batch_size = max_batch_size @property def worker_id(self) -> int: """Return the ID of this worker instance. This property returns the worker ID in the range of [1, ... , ``num``] (``num`` as configured in :py:meth:`append_worker(num) <mosec.server.Server.append_worker>`) to differentiate workers in the same stage. """ return self._worker_id @worker_id.setter def worker_id(self, worker_id): self._worker_id = worker_id
[docs] def serialize(self, data: Any) -> bytes: """Serialize the last stage (egress). Default response serialization method: JSON. Check :py:mod:`mosec.mixin` for more information. Arguments: data: the same type as the output of the :py:meth:`forward` Returns: the bytes you want to put into the response body Raises: EncodingError: if the data cannot be serialized with JSON """ try: data_bytes = json.dumps(data, indent=2).encode() except Exception as err: raise EncodingError from err return data_bytes
[docs] def deserialize(self, data: bytes) -> Any: """Deserialize the first stage (ingress). Default request deserialization method: JSON. Check :py:mod:`mosec.mixin` for more information. Arguments: data: the raw bytes extracted from the request body Returns: the same type as the input of the :py:meth:`forward` Raises: DecodingError: if the data cannot be deserialized with JSON """ try: data_json = json.loads(data) if data else {} except Exception as err: raise DecodingError from err return data_json
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def forward(self, data: Any) -> Any: """Model inference, data processing or computation logic. Args: data: input data to be processed **Must be overridden** by the subclass. If any code in this :py:meth:`forward` needs to access other resources (e.g. a model, a memory cache, etc.), the user should initialize these resources as attributes of the class in the :py:class:`__init__ <mosec.worker.Worker>`. .. note:: For a stage that enables dynamic batching, please return the results that have the same length and the same order of the input data. .. note:: - for a single-stage worker, data will go through ``<deserialize> -> <forward> -> <serialize>`` - for a multi-stage worker that is neither `ingress` not `egress`, data will go through ``<deserialize_ipc> -> <forward> -> <serialize_ipc>`` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def get_forward_json_schema( cls, target: ParseTarget, ref_template: str, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: """Retrieve the JSON schema for the `forward` method of the class. Args: cls : The class object. target : The target variable to parse the schema for. ref_template : A template to use when generating ``"$ref"`` fields. Returns: A tuple containing the schema and the component schemas. The :py:meth:`get_forward_json_schema` method is a class method that returns the JSON schema for the :py:meth:`forward` method of the :py:class:`cls` class. It takes a :py:obj:`target` param specifying the target to parse the schema for. The returned value is a tuple containing the schema and the component schema. .. note:: Developer must implement this function to retrieve the JSON schema to enable openapi spec. .. note:: The :py:const:`MOSEC_REF_TEMPLATE` constant should be used as a reference template according to openapi standards. """ return {}, {}
[docs] class SSEWorker(Worker): """MOSEC worker with Server-Sent Events (SSE) support.""" _stream_queue: SimpleQueue _stream_semaphore: Semaphore resp_mime_type = "text/event-stream"
[docs] def send_stream_event(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """Send a stream event to the client. Args: text: the text to be sent, needs to be UTF-8 compatible index: the index of the stream event. For the single request, this will always be 0. For dynamic batch request, this should be the index of the request in this batch. """ if self._stream_queue is None or self._stream_semaphore is None: raise RuntimeError("the worker stream or semaphore is not initialized") self._stream_semaphore.acquire() self._stream_queue.put((text, index))